I provide reliable, affordable services for everyone.
Many courses and products to help you achieve your dream shooting goals
What they say about Pete
Craig CaiN
Current US ZZ Bird Team Member
This year my students won the SCTP National Championship in Sporting Clays and also the National Championships in Double Skeet. To you I owe all of our success.
When you coached Jennifer I listened to not only what you said but how you said it. You taught her and myself the Unit Lead method. Your system is what I taught my students and I have developed into a very good coach/instructor thanks to you. Thank you Pete you are a masterful instructor!
Craig Cain is a current US ZZ Bird Team Member and now a shooting coach in the Dallas area.
Sheila M. Saffa
Without hesitation I would recommend Peter Blakeley’s lessons to both novice and advanced shooters. Since I have been shooting with Mr. Blakeley I have won the following shooting contests:
- 2001 U.S. Helice Championship Ladies Gold
- 2000 U.S. Helice Championships Ladies Bronze
- 2000 Texas National ZZ bird Championship Ladies Gold
- ATA Awards for handicap and Doubles
- Various Sporting Clay Championships
Louise Crespi Benners
I am the National Ladies Helice Champion and also the State Champion. I was recently placed 2nd in the World Helice Championships in Italy.
I take lessons on a regular basis from Mr. Blakeley and his ability as a coach is beyond reproach. My overall scores are improving as a result of his talent and Mr. Blakeley has a wealth of knowledge on all the shooting sports discipline and I would highly recommend him.
Dr. Boules
Thank you for the lesson recently. I must admit it was a bit of a struggle to shoot wearing a mask! I can’t believe how well I did and as I explained, I have always been told I need to keep both eyes open. What a difference you made to my shooting by suggesting I close my left eye. When I returned to Idaho I shot a 24 on the five stand at my Club…….. which is quite an improvement. For the first time in my shotgun shooting career I know where my gun is pointing.
Davis and Karen Holt
Housing Manager
I’m pleased to report that my wife has gone from a complete novice to an excellent shot and our outings since my retirement are much improved thanks to you! As I explained, we had both been taking lessons for several months and we now feel as though it was a complete waste of money. Karen's gun obviously did not fit her and the changes you made means that it does not bruise her cheek now. She shot 100 sporting clays at our members shoot in March, won the ladies section with a score of 69 and still did not have a bruised cheek. We would both like to come and see you when this Covid nonsense had died down.
Mark Kiddie
Champion Shooter
Congratulations on writing the definitive book on leads! Your writings confirmed many of my thoughts after years of; skeet, international skeet, trap, bunker, FITASC and sporting clays.
I will have some questions that I will communicate with you in the near future. All the best with the book!
About Mark Kiddie
Director, Boomer Esiason Sporting Clays Pro-Am
The letter on the left is a testimonial from Mark L. Kiddie. Mark was the 1997 Champion of the World shotgun championships, 1999 Amateur Sporting Clay Champion, 1999 and 2000 USA Shooting International Skeet National Senior Champion, English Sporting Clay Veteran Gold Medallist, 2000 Ohio skeet shooting Hall of Famer and 2007 Ohio Sporting Clays Hall of Famer.
Junior Division
American Skeet - State Champion
American HOA - Runner Up
6 Event HOA - Runner Up
4 Event HOA - 3rd Place
American Skeet 3 Member Team - 2nd Place
American Trap 3 Member Team - 2nd Place
International HOA - 6th Place
Mark L. Kiddie, 1997 Champion of the All-round shotgun Championships, 1999 U.S. Amateur Sporting Clay Champion, 1999 & 2000 USA Shooting International Skeet National Senior Champion, English Sporting Veteran Bronze medalist, 2000 Ohio Skeet Shooting Hall of Fame, 2007 Ohio Sporting Clays Hall of Fame.
One of my Chicago clients contacted me recently. From the phone call, it wasn't hard to figure out that he was bubbling with excitement. He had been to the Nationals in San Antonio and his squad-mates all commented the he was shooting well. In fact, he was in the top 5% for his class.
“Did you tell them you had been taking lessons?” I asked him
“Oh, No!” came the near indignant reply “Why would I do that”
Exactly! And that is why often a display of glowing testimonials from others is never convincing for two reasons. First, many shooters, especially at top level, prefer to hone their skills in private. Taking shooting lessons is their “secret weapon”. Second, most shooters will still view genuine testimonials from satisfied clients with suspicion, as though they have been paid to say complimentary things. But regardless of those two reasons, here are a few testimonials and e-mails from happy clients.
John and Travis Mattes
My wife purchased a series of shooting lessons from Peter Blakeley as Christmas presents for me and my son. The intent of these lessons, from our point of view, was to make us better dove hunters.
During our lessons we started to shoot various sporting clay stations. We practiced what we were being taught as often as we could for enjoyment as well as improvement. At the end of our lessons we decided we liked this sporting clays thing!! We continued to shoot improving each time as we were perfecting the lessons Peter had instilled.
My son, Travis, had improved so much that he decided to shoot in the hunter’s class of the recent Competitive Edge tournament at Elm Fork. He entered to shoot both courses. At the end of his first tournament he had finished first on one course and third on the second course.
I could never have hoped to improve his shooting abilities so dramatically by myself. We owe all of our success to our training by Peter Blakeley. If you ever want great, quality training, Peter Blakeley is the guy to see!! Thanks for everything Peter.
John and Travis (my hot shot son) Mattes
Robert Paxton
32 Times All American, Paxton Arms
Pete Blakeley is one of the most involved, enthusiastic shotgunning aficionados I have known in my thirty years plus of competing. He is an outstanding instructor and has a very loyal following of students. His integrity is beyond reproach. Pay attention to what he has to say...........
Sheila Saffa
Texas Helice Champion
Without hesitation I would recommend Peter Blakeley to both novice and advanced shooters. His shooting skills and patient individual instruction have made me a better and more versatile shooter.
2000 Texas Helice Champion (ladies gold)
2000 U.S. Helice Champion (ladies bronze)
2001 U.S. Helice Championship (ladies gold)
Ronald L Blosser
President, Sporting Clays of America
Peter F. Blakeley is an Internationally recognized instructor who processes extraordinary ability in this distinguished sport. He has achieved sustained acclaim.
Thomal Florey
Earl of Annadales Estate
Thomal Florey, estate manager, Earl of Annandales Estate, S.W. Schotland wrote:
"I found his coaching advice to be first class"
Robert Ackerman
Senior VP, Neiman Marcus, Dallas
My Shooting has improved immeasurably thanks to your efforts and credit, I feel as though I have made great progress.
Barton Scarborough
Houston Texas Oilfield Group
"Pete Blakeley is a terrific coach. We’ve had the pleasure of him coming down to Houston several times and giving lessons from beginners to Master Class. He helped all of us. He used to work here when he first came to the States and communicates his knowledge very well…though he does have this slight accent!”
Barton Scarborough and friends (Oilfield), Houston, TX.
John D Harris
Master Class Shooter
April 24, 2006 Comment on the Texas
"Pete Blakeley is really good and I highly recommend him."
Hi Pete,
I am shooting well, thanks. I got an 86 last weekend in Houston at a charity shoot. My personal best in a tournament (a practice tournament for me since it wasn't a registered shoot). Soon I will be scoring in the 90's. I think you are a fantastic technical coach and deserve much recognition. You helped me very much.
I’ve shot in 3 tourneys and done no worse than 5th. At the Rock Creek tourney a few weeks back, I shot a 42 on the prelim and Scott Robertson was the only one with a higher score of 43. I was quite proud of that.
Thanks again for all the help.
Lynn Rodgers
Hi Pete! I just wanted to let you know that I was in Cordoba last week and had a great time. I was scheduled for 6 half day hunts but ended up only doing 5 since I was completely worn out. I killed 2547 dove and expended 4400 rounds of 20g. This was far and away more than anyone else there.
I was amazed at how challenging the shots were. Those doves don't give anything away to their North American cousins. The experience really sharpens you up for hunting back home. Well thanks for your instruction.
Thank you very much for giving my dad and me a great lesson yesterday. I am really excited about getting out in the field and testing my skills. I have already passed your name on to a few of my hunting buddies here in Tyler.
I noticed on your website you have a connection to the Chicken Ranch in Frankston. Do you go there often or only when you have a client in the East Texas area?
Take care and Happy Holidays.
FYI -- Michael did great today! He limited (10 birds) in less than 20 minutes, using only 25 shells. He actually had an 11th bird -- but couldn't find it. He made some great medium distance shots- ones that I couldn't make. I was at 8 birds, when he limited (I lost one too), and used 35 shells to get my official 10. So he out shot me!! He is "hooked".
His only regret was that it lasted such a short time. He came back in and shot some more clays-- 24 of 25 to finish the day, about 2/3 doubles.
We do it again tomorrow.
Thanks, Jim.
Hi Pete,
I also had a very enjoyable time on Friday! I have been trying to absorb the things we covered on this past Friday. It might be for the best that we got rained-out and that I will come back for a second session.
Your instruction must have made for some improvement in my Skeet-Shooting as well, because I went to the skeet/trap club on Sunday afternoon and (Shooting the K-80 with the sub-gauge tubes installed) I shot 24/25 and then 25/25 in 20 gauge and then, wonder-of-wonders, I shot 23/25 and then 25/25 in .410! I hardly ever shoot the .410, but that 25 put a pretty broad smile on me for several hours!
I'm looking forward to seeing you again! Hope I can hit those tower-shots a little better this time!
James Teal
This is just a quick e-mail to say I am making mental and paper notes in preparation for my last lesson with you. Now let me brag a little on how effective your lessons have been for myself. I entered the Backwoods TRAPS Spook Harvest this past weekend. The trap set on each station was very difficult for me and other shooters as I heard a lot of them really going on about the difficulty of the targets. The person I frequently shoot with generally always beats me by one or two targets in the main event. He shot a 60 for this event. I tried to remember all the pointers you taught me and felt really good about my 79, which is the highest I have ever shot in a competition. I finished second in my class, won a nice trophy and received two punches. I thought I should give the small gauge a try with your teaching and won first in my 20 gauge class. How about that. I was really excited.
I am really excited in that I ended up getting 2 punches for the Main Event and 1 punch for the small gauge event. This is what I was hoping for and need to move up in the NSCA shooters classification. This means I now have 4 punches in "C" class and only need 2 more punches to move to "B" class.
I always like to look at where my score ranks compared to all the shooters in addition to where I ranked in my shooting classification. In the Sporting Clay Main Event (100 targets) I finished second in my "C" class and ranked 26th out of all 130 shooters. I was surprised at how high I ranked, my score place me in the top 20 percent of all the shooters that entered the event. This means that I out shot 38 shooters who are in the four higher classifications (Master, AA, A, and B) than myself.
In the Small Gauge Event (which includes 20, 28, and 410 gauges), I won the "C" class 20 gauge event, and ranked 57 out of 107 shooters who entered. I out shot 14 shooters who are in higher classes.
I will give you a call in the next few weeks to set a time for my last lesson. Thanks again for all the great instruction.
W. Page Faulk, MD, FRC Path.
President, Faulk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Dear Peter,
How kind of you to respond to my comments about your book. In fact, there are many other aspects of your writing than just the Skeet that captured my attention. For example, you are about the only writer I know on this subject who actually addresses the issue of lead. For most writers, and coaches, this is a borderline taboo; a magical quality that results from meditation, or burning candles!
I can not tell you how refreshing it was to read someone who met the problem head-on. It assisted me enormously, and, I am sure, many other people as well. Do keep up the good work, and, if I find myself near where you are, I would be delighted to have you help to make me a better shooter. Until then, I am,
Yours Most Sincerely,
W. Page Faulk, MD, FRC Path.
Faulk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
James Teal
How is it going? Well, a sad moment occurred yesterday, I shot in the last tournament at Backwoods before they close. Backwoods is where I do all my practicing as it is close and easy to get to for me. I shot better than my previous tournaments. I have been slowly working my tournament average back up to late last years average of 87-88. I placed 3rd in A class, with an 85 and felt good about the score (1st was 88 & 2nd was 86). I had one station that missed me up. Other than that, I ran several stations and had fun. I received a very nice Montana silver and gold buckle and 2 punches for my 3rd place finish which I was proud to receive considering the number of really good shooters that entered in my class (34 total). The buckle is a real sentimental keep sake.
This punched me up to AA class. So Bobby Fowler and Scott Robertson better look out as I am only one class back and moving up. Ha...
I realize that I am going to need all the help I can get to continue competing with the higher AA class shooters. The future of my practice location has me concerned as I have recently been stopping by Backwoods at least once a week and sometimes twice a week. So I encourage you to hurry up and publish that new book and video so I can at least use them to keep sharp and focused.
It is interesting to note that I only started shooting Sporting Clays a couple years ago in Feb. 2004. Your lessons I took in 2004 have continued to pay off. When I see a new presentation I know how to apply the principles you taught and find they continue to work well in helping me read the line. Then I know my misses are behind or in front and can easily make adjustments. I don't know the normal time it takes the average shooter to move up from the entry level class to AA class. But I feel good of what has been accomplished in my shooting career in the last 2 years.
Take care,
James Teal