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See the bird and watch him come but never, ever mount the gun,
Too quickly, it’s not straight he flies, he bobs and weaves before your eyes,
Move the muzzles, his path to plot…. but only mount to take the shot.
----Peter F. Blakeley, Scotland----
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Reading Targets - New Book! (Available in Book Only)
“Reading Targets” was written to help shooters to learn to read the variables of
clay targets. All the pictures in the book were taken with an “eye-camera”
that was positioned on the gun in the same place as the shooters eye would be.
This means that all the bird/barrel relationship pictures shown here
are the exact sight pictures a shooter would need to intercept the target
as the shot is triggered. No more guessing about the lead that the 30 yard
crossing shot needs or the 40 yard bolting rabbit!

Pheasant for the Dinner. Two Pigeons for a Pie. (Available in Book Only)
This isn’t a “how-to” book like my others, but everyone tells me it’s a good read.
Of course, they would do wouldn’t they? I wrote it. But joking apart, when I was
a kid in Manchester in the UK, times were tough and food was scarce. There
were no government hand-outs in those days.
The book my describes my amusing and often boisterous adventures with my friends and how at ten years old, due to my father’s crippling illness I managed to supplement my mother’s housekeeping budget and the family food supply with the help of a Webley and Scott air rifle.
$14.95 (plus $5 shipping & handling)

Wingshooting (Available in Book Only)
This book contains advice from not only a fellow bird hunter but a full time professional shooting coach who explains why you miss and what you can do about it. In the field, successful shotgunning depends on creating accurate sight pictures as we trigger each shot.
WINGSHOOTING explores the three variables that determine these sight pictures, developing the line of the bird, its speed and range, to help you decipher the correct lead for each bird. The book also describes something that no other coach will tell you……… how to shoot more rhythmically and avoid “poking and hoping”.
$29.95 (plus $5 shipping & handling)

The Unit Lead System (Available in DVD Only)
- Companion Book "You're Behind It" is Below
Unit lead System for Skeet, Trap & Sporting Clay Shooting - DVD's
There are five things we must consider when we shoot any moving target, regardless of if it is a skeet, trap or sporting clay target, or a duck, dove or pheasant rising from the Kansas cornfield. These are:- speed, distance (or range), angle (or perceived lead), trajectory and where we shoot the target on this trajectory.
This is what this shotgun shooting DVD and book is about, a logical and intuitive way to evaluate each of these five things. Of course, once learned, eventually you need to trust this accumulation of knowledge and apply it to each target and pull the trigger when it looks right to you. In other words, Read the Line, Feel the Lead.
$59.95 (plus $5 shipping & handling) DVD is 90 minutes

You're Behind It! (Available in Book Only--Companion Book to the Unit Lead System DVD)
The Unit Lead book was written in 2007. Because seeing lead at the muzzle was a completely new concept in the shot-gunning World at that time, many shooters dismissed the logic of the system. These days, however, many shooters and some top US coaches (Bobby Fowler and Anthony Materese) are using the system of seeing lead at the muzzle because it works. The system will teach a shooter a logical way to read every target on a SC course in hours, not years. Crossers, droppers, looping targets, rabbits etc. Anyone who buys the book will get 100% back up if there is anything he doesn’t understand.
"Congratulations on writing the definitive book on target leads [and producing your DVD's]! Your writings confirmed many of my thoughts after years of skeet, international skeet, trap, bunker, FITASC and sporting clays." says Mark L. Kiddie, 1997 Champion of the All-round shotgun Championships, 1999 U.S. Amateur Sporting Clay Champion, 1999 & 2000 USA Shooting International Skeet National Senior Champion, English Sporting Veteran Bronze medalist, 2000 Ohio Skeet Shooting Hall of Fame, 2007 Ohio Sporting Clays Hall of Fame.
"Shooting coaches in the UK have a saying: - "What’s hit is history, what’s missed is mystery." For many of us, when we trigger the shot and the target fails to break, it is exactly that; complete mystery.
So, at the end of the day after a testing tournament, we reluctantly hand our mediocre score card in and retreat to the clubhouse. Later, with our shooting buddies, we kick the day’s targets around in our heads until it’s time to leave. But on the long drive home we still don’t really understand why the long crosser (that everyone missed) needed so much lead. We didn’t really understand why the dropping chondel was so difficult, until now. Shooters need specifics. This book was written to give the sporting clay shooter a logical approach to reading every target that’s out there."
$14.95 (plus $5 shipping & handling)

Successful Shotgunning (Available in Autographed Book Only)
On the 21st May 2006 Successful Shotgunning made it to the Number one slot of the top selling shotgun shooting books at
Successful Shotgunning: 305 pages, 105,000 words, 140 photographs, 40 line drawings - possibly the most elaborate and definitive shot shooting book ever written.
"The aspiring shotgunner has absolutely no control over any airborne target. Once he triggers the shot, it's over. It would make sense, therefore, to pay attention to the things he can control-gun fit, stance, mount, swing, and most important of all, visual ability to accurately evaluate all the variables involved. This book will show you how."
Dennis Walrod, author of Grouse Hunters Guide wrote: "Successful Shotgunning will be a powerful influence on the shotgunning sports for decades to come."
Charles Fergus, Author of A rough shooting Dog and The Upland Equation wrote: "Successful Shotgunning by Peter Blakeley is a worthy addition to the field of books on shotgun shooting. It is a thorough, useful volume written in a cheery, conversational tone and it imparts a wealth of practical knowledge."
$29.95 (includes shipping & handling)

Read the Line, Feel the Lead (Available in DVD Only)
Shotgun Shooting Book, Shot Gun DVD - Read the Line, Feel the Lead
There are five things we must consider when we shoot any moving target, regardless of if it is a skeet, trap or sporting clay target, or a duck, dove or pheasant rising from the Kansas cornfield. These are:- speed, distance (or range), angle (or perceived lead), trajectory and where we shoot the target on this trajectory.
This is what this video is about, a logical and intuitive way to evaluate each of these five things. Of course, once learned, eventually you need to trust this accumulation of knowledge and apply it to each target and pull the trigger when it looks right to you. In other words, Read the Line, Feel the Lead.
$59.95 (plus $5 shipping & handling)